Wednesday, May 16, 2012

hooray for a new template !

I think this is the most difficult part or job for me as a blogger here in blogspot . It is about changing the theme or the template .

It took me 5 freakin hours to arrange and fix everything since i wanted a new look for my blogspot profile ! but i was fulfilled after seeing the outcome of the theme :)

honestly , i  hate codes like html / xml / css since i studied them when i was in junior hs .  fortunately , i was able to surpass my loathsomeness to those codes. seeing the codes makes my nose bleed.

im using the old blogger interface ! im not used and im uniterested  of using  the latest version 

hope you liked the new look :>

Saturday, January 28, 2012


Ive got six words for this movie IT NEVER FAILS TO AMAZE ME .

THE EFFECTS ,were amazing you wouldnt even notice that it was released and produced in 2004
THE CAST , did an outstanding job they were fit for their characters and the accent was super sexy
THE PLOT/STORY ,it is like "real life story" or "history based" , theres many twists and you can get facts and information in this movie .

   watched this many years before but i realized i like to watch this wonderful movie again in HBO and decided to make a review / post about van helsing . 

   All in all , this movie has the IT factor. who cares if its old its still an awesome movie for me and it will be , forever. I am still hoping that there will be a sequel , VAN HELSING PART II would be great ! , too bad anna's dead.

   9//10 is the rate . If you haven't watched this and you're a zealot of mythical characters you are missing the other half of your life . Forget about blood and chocolate , twilight and other trash movies about vampires and werewolves . Watch van helsing and im sure you wont regret it.

Friday, January 27, 2012


      Have you heard the news ? Are you creative , loves styling and editing your photos easy as 1 2 3 ? Are you a fan , a member or even a premium member of PICNIK ? yes , this fuss is all about a website that has been a part of my life ever since i found out about it . 
     Picnik is closing . Honestly , I was never a fan of Photoshop , it was complicated and such a pain in the ass to use for me . I became envious to the people who knows how to manipulate the Adobe and its after effects  . after several hours trying to use the  Photoshop i realized that it is definitely not for me ( lol not that i was a quitter it was just that Hard for me ) . I was fascinated when i found about picnik . all of its effects were awesome and its just a click away its easy as 123 no need for magic brush and all the other stupid tools you see when using the Photoshop . This picnik makes the work easier I've even used this for our performance tasks and the output looked fantastic .Haplessly the awesome website also has its limitations , some of the effects were exclusively for premium members.  I refuse to apply for a premium membership because it requires a paypal account , and many more ! a free & lifetime membership in picnik would be enough for an artsy girl like me .Sadly , all  good things come to an end , that's why when i heard the news , read the email , and checked their website i was devastated . While all the people are enjoying the free premium effects in picnik im currently writing a blog about the website who helped me put life to images through the years . Thank you picnik , its administrators , most specially to its owner and all of its fans all over the world who never stopped supporting picnik until the end.